Monday, June 29, 2009

Six Again

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 1:
If only I was still amazed by a surprise
If I could only enjoy catching fireflies
If only magic could again fill my eyes
If I could live in a world without lies
I wish when winter comes that I don’t see the cold
I wish I could only look forward to making my next snow angel
I wish I never thought about what lies ahead tomorrow
I wish I never thought “What if” but thought “What now”

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 2:
I still wanna have fun with no responsibilities
I still wanna ride the Tilt-A-Whirl and laugh hysterically
I still wanna trust everyone faithfully
I still wanna believe in the Chupacabra at the fair and the Easter Bunny
Wish I could still see things in that clear, pure, and unedited sense
Wish I was still undomesticated and still had my innocence
Wish I didn’t lose my youth with every day that comes, it’s hard to accept
I wish that childhood wasn’t that promise that is never kept

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 3:
Then, we never know it
But those are always the moments
We all remember as gold
Waking up still living in a dream
I’ll never lose the child in me
I’ll always be six years old

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