Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Living a Cursed Life

I’m demented
Frederick Bobfri
I’m possessed
Need recovery

Verse 1:
The stars were against me when I was born
With an ill-fated future written in the alignment
Virgo my sign has shown me a destiny
Of tragedy and brutal confinement

Verse 2:
It’s more than Ouija boards and crystal balls
I can’t control my mind I’m hypnotized
Pin me up, I’m a voodoo doll
Myself I will sacrifice

P-P-P-P, A
R-R-R-R, A
N, O, R, M, A-(ll)

I’m living a life that is cursed
A life that can’t get any worse
Slash my eyes out and pray for salvation
Maybe my life will be better after reincarnation
My only phenomenon is surviving
I can’t count all the times I thought I was dying
Living in the left door on the dark side
I’m living a cursed life

Verse 3:
My palmistry shows me I’m already dead
The scanning machine says I need to be healed
Dharma and karma are against me
I’m beginning to question if god is even real

Verse 4:
No one can hear my cries because I’m owned by Satan
I’m suffering because my soul was never whole
The agonizing pain I faced when it split
The excruciating misery of mind control

D, E
Jà, V

I’m living a life that is cursed
A life that can’t get any worse
Slash my eyes out and pray for salvation
Maybe my life will be better after reincarnation
My only phenomenon is surviving
I can’t count all the times I thought I was dying
Living in the left door on the dark side
I’m living a cursed life

Verse 5:
Every living moment of mine is a waste
I’ve gone blind but somehow I can still see
Tarot and telekinesis are torture
The Armageddon is the alter ego of me

I’m living a life that is cursed
A life that can’t get any worse
Slash my eyes out and pray for salvation
Maybe my life will be better after reincarnation
My only phenomenon is surviving
I can’t count all the times I thought I was dying
Living in the left door on the dark side
I’m living a cursed life

Verse 6:
Essence, Past Lives
Clowns, Spirit Guides
The Chart, Totem poles
Omens, Kindred Souls

I’m demented
Frederick Bobfri
I’m possessed
Need recovery
(Repeat until fade)

Monday, June 29, 2009

Six Again

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 1:
If only I was still amazed by a surprise
If I could only enjoy catching fireflies
If only magic could again fill my eyes
If I could live in a world without lies
I wish when winter comes that I don’t see the cold
I wish I could only look forward to making my next snow angel
I wish I never thought about what lies ahead tomorrow
I wish I never thought “What if” but thought “What now”

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 2:
I still wanna have fun with no responsibilities
I still wanna ride the Tilt-A-Whirl and laugh hysterically
I still wanna trust everyone faithfully
I still wanna believe in the Chupacabra at the fair and the Easter Bunny
Wish I could still see things in that clear, pure, and unedited sense
Wish I was still undomesticated and still had my innocence
Wish I didn’t lose my youth with every day that comes, it’s hard to accept
I wish that childhood wasn’t that promise that is never kept

I wanna be six again
Play dress up with my friends
Don’t have a care in the world
Don’t care about girls
Don’t care about fitting in
I wanna be six again
Play along with Airskin
Don’t care what others think of me
See everything as funny
Still able to imagine
I wanna be six again

Verse 3:
Then, we never know it
But those are always the moments
We all remember as gold
Waking up still living in a dream
I’ll never lose the child in me
I’ll always be six years old


Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots

Verse 1:
As a child remember how you were brought up
The lessons stick with you that you were taught
Be down to earth and don’t give up what you have
Never be someone you’re not, cause you never can turn back
We’re all flowers in full blossom
So never abandon where you came from
Your hometown, high school, first job, and family
Aren’t just for shits and giggling

Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots

Verse 2:
You would not be who you are today
Without all the things that made you who you became
All the things that happened to you made you grow
Otherwise you wouldn’t be the person we all love and know
Plant your feet deep in the ground
Don’t let people push you around
Hold on to who you are, nobody else can
Your roots grew you into a beautiful plant

Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots

Verse 3:
Radiating out of the smile
R, O, O, T, S
Blossoming love over other miles
B, L, O, O, M
We’re all unique
Unlike Nobody – Indeed Quite Unmatched, Everybody’s...
Different Individuals – Sprouting Through Intricate Naturally Colorful Trees

Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots
Don’t forget your roots
Live by your roots
Stay true to your roots
Grow from your roots

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Stray Cat

Verse 1:
Every time someone drives down the road
I hope they throw out a piece of bread
Hope that someone gives me home
Anything I would do for a warm bed
I want anything except to be alone
I’d rather be with you instead
I’ve never been alive before, you know
The truth is that I’m nearly dead

You have me around your finger
So tightly wrapped, I’m a stray cat (meow)
If you feed me once I will linger
I’ll always come back, I’m a stray cat (meow)

Verse 2:
I wanted love in life and that’s all
And you were nice enough to give me the time of day
That was reason why in love I could fall
Nobody else had that much courte-say
I thought pick me as I batted my paw
In the animal shelter out of the cage
I ate birds and rats and scraps, I had it raw
Yet affection is the only thing I crave

You have me around your finger
So tightly wrapped, I’m a stray cat (meow)
If you feed me once I will linger
I’ll always come back, I’m a stray cat (meow)

Verse 3:
Your front porch is the only one
With a dish of milk and cat food
That’s why your front porch is the only one
I keep coming back to
Don’t you know what it’s like living on the streets
Does anyone care that there’s no one to comfort me
Can’t you tell how long it’s been since I was rubbed
Can’t you see in my eyes I’ve never been loved

You have me around your finger
So tightly wrapped, I’m a stray cat (meow)
If you feed me once I will linger
I’ll always come back, I’m a stray cat (meow)

You have me around your finger
So tightly wrapped, I’m a stray cat (meow)
If you feed me once I will linger
I’ll always come back, I’m a stray cat (meow)

When You Leave

Verse 1:
Without you I’m so much better off
I’ve said to myself I’ve had enough
When it comes to girls I’ve had it rough
You’re the majority of my problems
There’s no way I can deal with all of them
I know a way I can resolve them
It was always you and me that’s what I believed
Someplace deep in my heart that’s still how I want it to be
But my mind is torn……

When you leave
I can find someone much better for me
When you’re gone
You’re clueless about all the things that go on
When you’re not around
My real love was lost but now she can be found
When you say goodbye
I know my other lady is nearby
Should I do or die

Verse 2:
Am I bitter for not wanting you any more
I know all the people out there will think I’m a man-whore
But it’s not your skirt, but hers, I want on my floor
Say what you want but you’re the one alone
I knew I couldn’t stand you forever, I’ve always known
I used you, didn’t I, just to get a bigger throne
How could you not know me by now you’re so naïve
But I’m happy you don’t, I’m so relieved
But a star is born……

When you leave
I can find someone much better for me
When you’re gone
You’re clueless about all the things that go on
When you’re not around
My real love was lost but now she can be found
When you say goodbye
I know my other lady is nearby
Should I do or die

Verse 3:
I hate your smile
I hate your face
I hate your style
I hate your taste
I hate your touch
I hate your repute
I hate you much
I hate you
I hate your eyes
I hate that you breathe
I ain’t cho guy

Cause, when you leave
I can find someone much better for me
When you’re gone
You’re clueless about all the things that go on
When you’re not around
My real love was lost but now she can be found
When you say goodbye
I know my other lady is nearby
Should I do or die

I’m not confused, I need the spark of a mistress
I lived in denial that it would ever surface

Cause, when you leave
I can find someone much better for me
(Repeat until fade)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Live in the Moment

Verse 1:
There’s no guarantee that tomorrow will ever come
But life is much easier if you can calm down and stop to breathe
Today is a gift, a true blessing from god
Life is about having an impact, changing lives, and leaving a legacy

Life is too short to worry about
What will happen five years from now
Even five weeks is too far away
For you will know when you get to that day

You can’t rewind
You can’t fast forward
You have to live for the present
Live in the Moment

Verse 2:
This exact moment will only be here once
Live without the stresses of life, kick back and relax
You can never be dead until you have no soul inside
Life is about the lessons you learn, people you love, the fun you’ve had

Life is too short to worry about
What will happen five years from now
Even five weeks is too far away
For you will know when you get to that day

You can’t rewind
You can’t fast forward
You have to live for the present
Live in the Moment

Verse 3:
You’re the only one that has your back 100 percent of the time
Nobody else will ever be able to see through your eyes
You have to do those things you want to do just for you
Life is about laughing and leaving a mark that people will remember you by

Life is too short to worry about
What will happen five years from now
Even five weeks is too far away
For you will know when you get to that day

You can’t rewind
(Every moment you dwell on the past, only holds you back)
You can’t fast forward
(Every moment you worry about the future is moment you’ll never get back)
You have to live for the present
(and make the most of it)
Live in the…
Live in the…

You can’t rewind
You can’t fast forward
You have to live for the present
Live in the Moment

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Simply Me

I know that I am wise beyond my years
Your hatred is actually how I persevered

Verse 1:
I am beautiful just the way I am
I don’t need anyone to tell me what I’m supposed to be like
I do not care, I do not give a damn
I won’t change myself to fit a stereotype
Perfection is something that can’t be reached
So stop pretending it’s something everyone should be
Just think if you and everyone else practiced what you preach
I’d be the role model and you’d be so lonely
You’re not below me and you’re certainly not above
You’re not equal either because to me you’re no one

The only reason you could ever hate me is because of jealousy
You can try to copy me but I am the one and only
I am me and I can be me perfectly
I am simply me

Verse 2:
This song is for all the people that stopped believing
I know you never thought I could get far
This song is for all the people that love hating me
But I still love you and accept you for what you are
It’s things like that that make me the better person
I might cry but I’ll push through and never quit
You never judge people on things that happen to them
But on who they’ve become because of it
I would only hope that you would do the same
But the fact that you don’t makes you a pitiful shame

The only reason you could ever hate me is because of jealousy
You can try to copy me but I am the one and only
I am me and I can be me perfectly
I am simply me

Verse 3:
Nothing has said it better than “Please Don’t Leave Me”
I can be mean when I wanna, I’m capable of anything
Tell me something about myself, I’ll be the first to admit it
Harvey MacKay’s quote about time, I hope you all never forget it
When I’m a bitch, then I’m a bitch
But I can be anyone’s best friend
When I’m happy, I’m a joy
When I’m pissed, you’ll never hear the end

The only reason you could ever hate me is because of jealousy
You can try to copy me but I am the one and only
I am me and I can be me perfectly
I am simply me

Verse 4:
Not trying to be narcissistic
I’m just expressing how I feel
Your point of view is atavistic
And now it’s time to get real
No else can be like me
Not even parallel
Do something just to spite me
I can put you through hell

The only reason you could ever hate me is because of jealousy
You can try to copy me but I am the one and only
I am me and I can be me perfectly
I am simply me

The only reason you could ever hate me is because of jealousy
You can try to copy me but I am the one and only
I am me and I can be me perfectly
I am simply me

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Derailed (Blow up in My Face)

Verse 1:
Strapped in an invisible seatbelt
It’ll blow up in my face
I’m in love with two people
It’ll blow up in my face
Cruisin’ around the track at eighty
It’ll blow up in my face
Everybody will hate me
It’ll blow up in my face

I’m stuck on a love roller coaster that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on an emotional train that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on a romance trolley car that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on the wrong track in my life after it has derailed

Verse 2:
I am only lying to myself
It’ll blow up in my face
Not to mention everyone else
It’ll blow up in my face
Second guessing that I ever rode this
It’ll blow up in my face
How doesn’t anyone else notice
It'll blow up in my face

I’m stuck on a love roller coaster that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on an emotional train that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on a romance trolley car that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on the wrong track in my life after it has derailed

Verse 3:
It seems every time this ride starts
I want it to end
Before I get in too far
Before I lose a friend
It’s a chance I’ll have to take
I may even get killed
It’s a decision I’ll have to make
Am I only doing this for the thrill

I’m stuck on a love roller coaster that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on an emotional train that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on a romance trolley car that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on the wrong track in my life after it has derailed
I’m stuck on a love roller coaster that’s fated to derail
I’m stuck on the wrong track in my life after it has derailed


Verse 1:
If you ever look at me again
I’ll throw darts at your face
I hope someone misuses you
and gets you bent out of shape
You go round and round in circles
and you keep coming back
I believed you once
but now I won’t fall for that

The only people that even like you
Are little kids
And that’s because you put on a fake smile
and they don’t know about this
I would tell them ‘bout the real you
but they don’t know what a slut is
That’s why I threw you down the stairs
and I walked out the door
Wish that I don’t see you again
and stuff you in a drawer
‘Cause you’re just like a slinky
The way you go back and forth

S, Slinky
L, Linky
I, Inky
N, Ninky
K, Kinky
Y, Yinky

Verse 2:
You’re just a tool
You’re not even a toy
I never loved you
I loved your sicky-sweet decoy
You can’t bounce back
Despite the spring in your step
If you want your stuff back
I’ll be sure to get rid of it

The only people that even like you
Are little kids
And that’s because you put on a fake smile
and they don’t know about this
I would tell them ‘bout the real you
but they don’t know what a slut is
That’s why I threw you down the stairs
and I walked out the door
Wish that I don’t see you again
and stuff you in a drawer
‘Cause you’re just like a slinky
The way you go back and forth

S, Slinky
L, Linky
I, Inky
N, Ninky
K, Kinky
Y, Yinky

Verse 3:
You stretch yourself across so many men
and when get what you want and move on from them
You just meddle around
Without thinking
You can’t settle down
I hate that slinky

The only people that even like you
Are little kids
And that’s because you put on a fake smile
and they don’t know about this
I would tell them ‘bout the real you
but they don’t know what a slut is
That’s why I threw you down the stairs
and I walked out the door
Wish that I don’t see you again
and stuff you in a drawer
‘Cause you’re just like a slinky
The way you go back and forth

S, Slinky
L, Linky
I, Inky
N, Ninky
K, Kinky
Y, Yinky

S, Slinky
L, Linky
I, Inky
N, Ninky
K, Kinky
Y, Yinky

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Never Hold Back

Verse 1:
If you honestly feel
That you can make it big
Then follow your instinct
And never give in
If you want the rich life
That every celebrity loves
If you have ever dreamed
What every teenager dreams of
If you want fame
And have the personality
Then leave no stone unturned
Take every opportunity

‘Cause you’re not always gonna have one more shot
You’ve got to go for it now with all you’ve got
Second chances are something so rare
Don’t rely on them or you’ll get nowhere
Follow your dreams, don’t live with regrets
Never hold back and see what happens

Verse 2:
Your heart knows what it loves
It truly is never wrong
Even if it is your best friend
That you’ve pursued for so long
Even if you have been turned down
So many times before
Hold on to those feelings
No one else has what you’re looking for
Even if she tried to protect you
By telling you countless lies
She may have even hurt you
By falling for all those other selfish guys

But you’re not always gonna have one more shot
You’ve got to go for it now with all you’ve got
Second chances are something so rare
Don’t rely on them or you’ll get nowhere
Follow your dreams, don’t live with regrets
Never hold back and see what happens

Verse 3:
Experience life
No matter how much you have to spend
Do all the things you want to do
Because too quickly it does end
Live out loud every moment
You’ll never get another try
Have fun and shoot for the stars
Don’t let life pass you by
Everybody has wishes
And things they want to see
Don’t be lying on your death bed
With empty memories

So you’re not always gonna get one more shot
You’ve got to go for it now with all you’ve got
Second chances are something so rare
Don’t rely on them or you’ll get nowhere
Follow your dreams, don’t live with regrets
Never hold back and see what happens

You’re not always gonna have one more shot
You’ve got to go for it now with all you’ve got
Second chances are something so rare
Don’t rely on them or you’ll get nowhere
Follow your dreams, don’t live with regrets
Never hold back and see what happens

United by the Stars

Verse 1:
There’s a soft orange glow in the horizon
As the sun begins to fade
I look into her eyes and
Know it’s the end of summer days
We got farther than I expected
There was tension at the start
But then our lives and minds connected
And you became a piece of my heart

Every night I wonder what you’re thinking of
I need a clue
So I go outside and look at the stars above
And know that you
Are looking up too
You’re three thousand miles away
It seems so far
But ever since you left that day
You said we are
United by the stars

Verse 2:
With so many damn good memories
There are moments I just cry
Sidewalk chalk, bathrooms, trampolines
Wetting my pants, and kissing a guy
Until we see each other next year
I hope you remember me
By dozing up as we did that one clear,
Dark, summer evening

Every night I wonder what you’re thinking of
I need a clue
So I go outside and look at the stars above
And know that you
Are looking up too
You’re three thousand miles away
It seems so far
But ever since you left that day
You said we are
United by the stars

Verse 3:
I’m not the kind of person that pours my heart out
It takes a while for me to trust
I let you in and you found what I am about
And now I never want to give you up

Every night I wonder what you’re thinking of
I need a clue
So I go outside and look at the stars above
And know that you
Are looking up too
You’re three thousand miles away
It seems so far
But ever since you left that day
You said we are
United by the stars

You’re three thousand miles away
It seems so far
But ever since you left that day
You said we are
United by the stars

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sponge Bath

Who has played around all day and is all dirty
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who is only waiting for you to join me
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who needs to strip down and get all cleaned up
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who needs to get washed so he can fuck
Sponge Bath No Pants

Verse 1:
Let’s poke around in the dark, dim the lights
I have more hits than a porn website
Cause when we’re exploring, I feel freer
If you roll the lemon the juice comes out easier
Lather up with soap and shampoo
Take it slow, I want to dampen you
Wash it off with baby oil and dry it with your tongue
Restrain me with some bondage to make it more fun

Who has played around all day and is all dirty
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who is only waiting for you to join me
Sponge Bath No Pants

Don’t know if I should mount you or eat you, you’re like a fish
I will be your nurse, time for a sponge bath
You ask one finger or two, I say I’ll use my whole fist
My big ferocious dinosaur will tear you up, feel its wrath
Taking a sponge bath is first on my to do list
Divide your legs and multiply is simple bathroom math
You’ve got me chubby like checker, babe let’s do the twist
They call us corny and horny, so let’s take a sponge bath

Verse 2:
Be sure to have a good grip before starting the exercise
Hot steam makes objects appear bigger than actual size
I am looking forward to tonight’s gourmet feast
Hot fudge, whipped cream, cherries, save me a piece
Some people say I’m gifted, some say I’m a machine
Even in the shower, the way we fool around is not clean
You like it at the top, you rise to the challenge
Cause there’s some heavy breathing when you bathe me with a sponge

Who needs to strip down and get all cleaned up
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who needs to get washed so he can fuck
Sponge Bath No Pants

Don’t know if I should mount you or eat you, you’re like a fish
I will be your nurse, time for a sponge bath
You ask one finger or two, I say I’ll use my whole fist
My big ferocious dinosaur will tear you up, feel its wrath
Taking a sponge bath is first on my to do list
Divide your legs and multiply is simple bathroom math
You’ve got me chubby like checker, babe let’s do the twist
They call us corny and horny, so let’s take a sponge bath

Verse 3:
If it’s not at the right height, try another slot
No other way to describe this but hot (S)
Use the lotion to give me a rub
Too many cooks in the kitchen, too many lovers in the tub (P)
Give me something I won’t soon forget
They say slippery when wet (O)
You have the skills of a prostitute
Bathe me, crave me, in my birthday suit (N)
Cause you got me feeling like a frat boy
And I got you feeling like a chew toy (G)
I know that I’ll be getting lucky
You can squeeze me like your rubber ducky (E)
Bath, Bath, Bath, Bath
Bath, Bath, Bath
Bath, Bath

Don’t know if I should mount you or eat you, you’re like a fish
I will be your nurse, time for a sponge bath
You ask one finger or two, I say I’ll use my whole fist
My big ferocious dinosaur will tear you up, feel its wrath
Taking a sponge bath is first on my to do list
Divide your legs and multiply is simple bathroom math
You’ve got me chubby like checker, babe let’s do the twist
They call us corny and horny, so let’s take a sponge bath

Who has played around all day and is all dirty
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who is only waiting for you to join me
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who needs to strip down and get all cleaned up
Sponge Bath No Pants
Who needs to get washed so he can fuck
Sponge Bath No Pants

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Illusions (Barbara)

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near

Verse 1:
I look outside my window and catch a glimpse of the Loch Ness monster
They call me “chicken” yet I have an irrational fear of roosters
Every Christmas I cry when I relearn there is no Santa Claus
So I stuff myself down the chimney just because
I remember things like the drunken freaks in Vegas that elope
Things slow down, my life is perfect like I am on dope
My head moves around with a bobble-head motion
Every day I see Atlantis rise up from the ocean

B is for Barbara, C is for Crow (cuckoo, cuckoo)
R is Rosie, J is for Joe (cuckoo, cuckoo)

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Barbara
Ma-Mamma Mia Barbara
Goodbye See ya Barbara
Don’t want to be ya Barbara
Hallucination, Imagination
Confusion, Delusion

Verse 2:
My life goal is to take a bath with a toaster
When I drive to town I pretend I’m on a roller coaster
I knock out my teeth and see the tooth fairy under the pillows
Everywhere I go the echo ricochets of the applause
I live life like I’m looking through a kaleidoscope
Like I’m riding a steamroller across a tightrope
When my mind is sick I drink gasoline as my death potion
Then I light a match and swallow it to heal my emotion

B is for Barbara, C is for Crow (cuckoo, cuckoo)
R is Rosie, J is for Joe (cuckoo, cuckoo)

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Barbara
Ma-Mamma Mia Barbara
Goodbye See ya Barbara
Don’t want to be ya Barbara
Hallucination, Imagination
Confusion, Delusion

Verse 3:
I see birds
I’m a normal
I see rats
I’m a casual

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia Barbara
Ma-Mamma Mia Barbara
Goodbye See ya Barbara
Don’t want to be ya Barbara
Hallucination, Imagination
Confusion, Delusion
Hallucination, Imagination
Confusion, Delusion


Verse 1:
Feel the beat
Let it rock
Dancing freak
Do not stop
Everybody get out on the floor
The DJ drives the energy
Double vision, Slurring words
I think I’ve had too much to drink

When I arrive on the scene
P-P-P, P-Party
Looking, Flashy, Classy, Fierce, and Mean
P-P-P, P-Party

Verse 2:
Twisted moves
Fast Breakdown
Substance abuse
Crazy sound
Keep it going all night long ‘til 4 AM
Working your body is more fun when you’re naked
Looking for a girl and hooking up with them
Keg stands, Passing out, Gettin’ fuckin’ wasted

When I arrive on the scene
P-P-P, P-Party
Looking, Flashy, Classy, Fierce, and Mean
P-P-P, P-Party
Everybody recognizes my face
P-P-P, P-Party
Crank up the music, Kick up the bass
P-P-P, P-Party

Verse 3:
Strobe lights and
Party like a
Vandalizing property as if it was Halloween
It could only be better if we were all in togas
Dizzy, tipsy, and hire a lady of the evening
When the cops showed up you could tell it was no good

When I arrive on the scene
P-P-P, P-Party
Looking, Flashy, Classy, Fierce, and Mean
P-P-P, P-Party
Everybody recognizes my face
P-P-P, P-Party
Crank up the music, Kick up the bass
P-P-P, P-Party
Crazy stunts, having fun
Lack of thinking
P-P-P, P-Party
Cutting loose, slamming booze
Excessive drinking
P-P-P, P-Party

Verse 4:
I had a bad hangover when I woke up the next day-ay
I looked around all over and saw someone else in the bed-ed
What was even more shocking was that I didn’t know her name-ame
And that the party was still going, it never ended
So I got up and let the party continue
From day to day we will party again and again
Whether it is at a nightclub or in the bedroom
I am one party that will never end

When I arrive on the scene
P-P-P, P-Party
Looking, Flashy, Classy, Fierce, and Mean
P-P-P, P-Party
Everybody recognizes my face
P-P-P, P-Party
Crank up the music, Kick up the bass
P-P-P, P-Party
Melodic, Psychotic, Hypnotic
We are all in a trance
Electronic, Supersonic, Symphonic
Everybody just dance
Crazy stunts, having fun
Lack of thinking
P-P-P, P-Party
Cutting loose, slamming booze
Excessive drinking
P-P-P, P-Party

When I arrive on the scene
P-P-P, P-Party
Looking, Flashy, Classy, Fierce, and Mean
P-P-P, P-Party
Everybody recognizes my face
P-P-P, P-Party
Crank up the music, Kick up the bass
P-P-P, P-Party
Melodic, Psychotic, Hypnotic
We are all in a trance
Electronic, Supersonic, Symphonic
Everybody just dance
Crazy stunts, having fun
Lack of thinking
P-P-P, P-Party
Cutting loose, slamming booze
Excessive drinking
P, A, R, T, Y
P-P-P, P-Party

The Crown

Verse 1:
Laying among palms sipping my martini
In paradise girls waving feathers, King me
I have everything, I couldn’t ask for more
I’ve got money up the ass, fortune’s galore
Never before have I experienced anything like this
Living my perfect fantasy, my world of bliss
With just a stroke of luck I rose to the top
I replaced someone else their position did drop

I opened the door of my unfulfilled dreams
I’m the hottest one in town
You’ve had your 15 minutes of fame
Someone else has earned your crown
I’m wearing it now
I am not like all them other stars
I will secure a spot on Hollywood Boulevard
You never got that far
The crown has moved on from you
To someone else exciting and brand new
The spotlight searches everyone in the crowd
For me – the person that will wear your crown

Verse 2:
I used to think I had it all
Then a poster of me was on every teenager’s wall
I’ll be famous forever, there’s no doubt
All my concerts are sold out
Every time a call is made you hear my ringtone
I’m destined to shine, my achievements will be shown
My songs are the most requested on the radio
The ones played at high school proms that everyone knows

I opened the door of my unfulfilled dreams
I’m the hottest one in town
You’ve had your 15 minutes of fame
Someone else has earned your crown
I’m wearing it now
I am not like all them other stars
I will secure a spot on Hollywood Boulevard
You never got that far
The crown has moved on from you
To someone else exciting and brand new
The spotlight searches everyone in the crowd
For me – the person that will wear your crown

Verse 3:
The tide’s beginning to change, someone else came along
They took my martini and my attention
My posters disappeared, I vanished off the charts
When you mention my name they I’ve never heard of him before
Some guy came by and took my wallet and all the money
He took my ID which was my identity
I am astounded that people could ever forget
After all their requests for me and my number one hits

I shut the door behind my broken dreams
My wishes are crumbling down
I’ve had my 15 minutes of fame
Someone else has earned my crown
They’re wearing it now
I am not like all them other stars
Who’ve secured a spot on Hollywood Boulevard
I never got that far
The crown has moved on from me
To someone else fresh and exciting
The spotlight searches everyone in the crowd
For the next person that will wear the crown

Verse 4:
People got my anything I wanted but my career could not be saved
Now I’m a welfare troll, dependent on hot dogs in the microwave
The worst feeling in the world is when everybody knows ya
And the new kid in town comes along and your fame is all over
At one point in time I was everybody’s idol
Then it was stolen from my hands, that guy now he has my title
It seems nobody but me remembers how it used to be
I guess no one is at fault now that no one remembers me

I shut the door behind my broken dreams
My wishes are crumbling down
I’ve had my 15 minutes of fame
Someone else has earned my crown
They’re wearing it now
I am not like all them other stars
Who’ve secured a spot on Hollywood Boulevard
I never got that far
The crown has moved on from me
To someone else fresh and exciting
The spotlight searches everyone in the crowd
For the next person that will wear the crown
My Crown